So I wrote this just as the World Series* was getting underway, but made sure to sneak my pick in before anyone took the lead. At any rate, the writing appears to be on the wall in this pandemic-shortened season that is nothing short of a complete sham. Baseball is a game so heavily tied to tradition and history, so all these ridiculous rules, the no fans/cardboard cutouts, playing just over 1/3 of a season, etc., makes this World Series have a major asterisk.
Still, I have to give some analysis, don’t I? The Dodgers should have been knocked out by the Braves, but Atlanta does what it always does — find new and improved ways to choke. Teams rallying from LCS deficits basically always win the World Series, and this looks much the same as Tampa’s near-choke in the 2008 ALCS, when they followed with a lackluster World Series performance against the Phillies.
In the tiebreaker between Tampa and LA for who gets two asterisk titles in this worst-year-in-our-lifetimes, I’ll go with the easy (and presumably right) pick:. Prediction: Dodgers in 6.
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